Urban spaces across our Upper Town, an area full of cultural and heritage value, are either underutilized or simply left to decay. These areas are ideally suited to foster community life and provide spaces for our culture and identity to thrive. Together Gibraltar will work with private enterprise to rejuvenate these areas – the buildings, and the spaces between them - to ensure homes for our families and the development of thriving communities in harmony with our rich and diverse heritage. We will:

  • Ensure buildings are not neglected by requiring owners to undertake refurbishment works or sell to Government, or else risk having the property demolished.

  • Ensure aesthetic consistency standards for facades, ensuring development is in keeping with the surrounding area.

  • Publish the register of all properties owned by the government, thus allowing the public to hold government to account on lack of maintenance of these properties.

  • Invest in maintenance to ensure that renewed spaces do not fall back into disrepair.

  • Review parking zones, including the location of free and visitors parking, to ensure that there is sufficient space to park for all residents and visitors to the Upper Town.

  • Resurface and repave roads throughout the Upper Town - an area that has suffered hugely from underinvestment.

  • Beautify all steps and lanes, including those leading out from Castle Steps, to create a more pleasant environment for both residents and tourists. Public spaces will be introduced and furnished with communal benches, water bottle refill points, hanging baskets and market stands.