Annual general meeting 2023

This Wednesday 6th December is our annual general meeting. Your chance to meet other TG members and to have your say on the future of the party. If you would like to put forward a motion for the AGM, please submit it via our website by Sunday 3rd December to allow enough time to circulate it to the membership before the meeting.

Submit motions here: AGM — Together Gibraltar


Please find below the current motions to be voted on below.

Motion One of 2023 - Co-Option of Executives

In order to support TG’s continued growth and provided there is space on the executive for those members who are actively supporting the party and want to step up their involvement. The following change will thus be added to our party charter:

Insertion of the following paragraph into section 6 of the party charter:

6.1 Co-Option of Executives

Party members may be nominated to the party executive by an existing member of the executive. This will then trigger a vote of the executive and if a majority are in favour, this member will be invited to join the Together Gibraltar executive. The executive will continue to be limited to a maximum of 25 persons.

Motion Two of 2023 - Change to Executive Tenure

In order to provide more long-term stability to the party, we are proposing to lengthen the tenure of an executive from two years to four years.

Change in section 6 of the party from:

Together Gibraltar will have Executive elections every two years, or upon resignations, at an AGM or EGM.


Together Gibraltar will have Executive elections every four years, or upon resignations, at an AGM or EGM.

Motion Three of 2023 - Approval of Party Executive

The AGM is also your opportunity to meet the newly proposed executive team and a chance for them to gain the party’s formal approval to represent the membership.

We understand that there are many of you who were keen to get involved but could not stand up publicly due to your job or other commitments. There are still many other ways to support the party and we hope you will keep meeting us and sending your ideas. There’s plenty of work to do as we set up our working groups and policy focus areas.

Motion Four of 2023 - Nomination of Party Leader

One candidate has been nominated for the party leadership: Nick Calamaro, nominated by Kayley Mifsud and seconded by John Montegriffo from the executive team.

A personal letter from Nick Calamaro will be circulated to the membership ahead of the AGM, outlining his vision for the party and you will be able to ask him questions before voting on whether to elect him at the meeting.

We hope to see you at the AGM and look forward to hearing your thoughts.