Hassan Nahon To Move Motion On Environmental Matters
The Independent MP Marlene Hassan Nahon will move a motion on various environmental matters at the next meeting of Parliament.
Ms Hassan Nahon says the motion represents the views expressed by constituents at the recent Together Gibraltar public meeting. The motion calls for new air quality monitors and an independent analysis of renewable energy sources. It also recommends the creation of an independent, executive body to oversee Gibraltar’s environmental agenda.
Here’s the full text:
NOTES that the content of this motion represents the views and desires of a considerable number of constituents who have taken part in the debate and elaboration of the motion via the civil platform “Together Gibraltar”.
BELIEVES that it is the responsibility of our current administration, and our elected representatives in Parliament to deliver on commitments to shape our future.
UNDERSTANDS that poor air quality in Gibraltar is not a new phenomenon.
ACCEPTS that we must demonstrate adherence to EU targets on air quality.
AKNOWLEDGES that we must relocate / add new air quality monitors to locations so as to better reflect the air quality in dense urban environments.
RECOGNISES that vehicular emissions are the second largest contributor to air pollution in Gibraltar.
COMMITS to meeting EU targets on recyclable waste.
RECOMMENDS an independent analysis of renewable energy sources and potential for Gibraltar.
WELCOMES the Bill to amend the Gibraltar Electricity Authority Act 2003 in order to support feed-in agreements, however, expresses concern that this Bill does not propose a framework that provides some form of investment protection through guaranteed feed-in tariffs or others, and relies exclusively on discretion by the Gibraltar Electricity Authority.
DECLARES the need for the creation of a cross party platform. There is a need for an independent, executive body to oversee the actions above, such that the election cycle and varying manifesto commitments will not de-prioritise the environmental agenda, and only a broad parliamentary consensus can guarantee the level of commitment this issue requires.”