eGov is currently more of a digitised library of forms one can download from Government offices, bar a few exceptions such as booking an MOT online. For most engagement with Government, citizens still must manually print out and fill out forms and then queue up at the relevant department to process data and get anything done, thereby producing paper and time wastage, both for the civil service and public.

IT is the backbone of the whole civil service. We need to ensure the civil service and the public have the tools to do things efficiently, effectively, seamlessly and that we minimise paper usage and time wastage. IT & eGov should enable us to provide a strong, cohesive, user friendly platform where individuals can log in digitally and identify themselves via their e-ID card on a webpage/app in order to fulfil all their bureaucratic needs; from tax returns, employment forms, to payments, business registration etc.

As a small nation that wishes to thrive on digital industries, we can be an example to the rest of the world on our approach to eGovernance, data and cybersecurity.

Together Gibraltar will:

  • Create a brand new “e-Gibraltar”.

  • Reform and review the current eGov strategy with clearly set out goals to bring public facing services online and re-launch as a fully digitised online portal that allows the public to seamlessly complete all their administration online.

  • We already have e-ID cards available that can enable us to transition to a fully digital platform. By using their e-ID cards, citizens can identify themselves and sign documents digitally. Estonia has recently rolled out a platform that handles all of its bureaucracy online. It also offers others the opportunity to investigate and learn from experts with a proven track record and can help form partnerships to implement similar paradigm shifts elsewhere. We would harness this to take Gibraltar into the digital world.


Cybersecurity, an omnipresent and existential threat for many businesses is insufficiently addressed by many business and citizens. In a future Gibraltar, powered by digital industries, businesses need to be made acutely aware of the risks that poor cybersecurity creates. Reputation is key when it comes to security and preventively deterring attacks of our data. Successful cyber-attacks on our institutions would damage our reputation, potentially beyond repair.

Together Gibraltar will:

  • Implement a “Cyber Essentials” strategy for the public and businesses, to educate the community and businesses at large about the importance of cybersecurity. The aim of cyber essentials for businesses is to identify the security controls they need within their IT infrastructure and install mitigation measures for internet-based threats. The scheme would follow five essential mitigation strategies:

    • Boundary Firewalls and Internet Gateways

    • Secure Configuration

    • Access Control

    • Malware Protection

    • Patch Management

  • Engage with the cybersecurity industry and experts to ensure risks are minimised.

  • Work towards creating a standard for assessment and certification. This will provide businesses and organisations clear guidance on the implementation of controls, as well as offer independent certification. The Cyber Essentials scheme will provide basic but essential level of protection, enabling organisations to market their cybersecurity measures and build further trust and business. They will be able to show customers that their data is protected and that they take cyber security seriously.

  • Close the cybersecurity gap through appropriate vocational courses and internships.

  • Exercise strong leadership alongside experts in the field, and assign a Government Chief Information Officer responsible for:

    • Digital Service Excellence

    • E-Gibraltar

    • ICT Skills

    • Cybersecurity

    • IT International Affairs