Together Gibraltar Primary Election Candidates
The members that have put their names forward to run as candidates in the Together Gibraltar primary elections are:
Jackie Anderson
Christiana Ballester
Nicholas Calamaro
Joseph Capurro
Daniel Ghio
Marlene Hassan Nahon
Sian Jones
Kamlesh Khubchand
John Montegriffo
Erika Pozo
Craig Sacarello
Neil Samtani
Tamsin Suarez
Edward J Wood
The voting system will be as follows:
The ballot (see below) will have 10 rows. The top row is reserved for the leadership role. The member will fill in the name of one single leader, and the person with the most votes will be selected party leader. The other 9 rows are reserved for the remaining 9 candidates of the slate. They will be numbered 2 to 10 and will express the order of preference of the member. In order to do so, the votes will be weighted differently. The candidate in row 2 will receive 9 points, the candidate in row 3 will receive 8, the candidate in row 4 for will receive 7 points, and so on. With each movement down the scale of preference, the candidates will be assigned one point less, with the candidate in row 10 receiving a single point.
Election Ballot Example:
You can download the ballot in Word or PDF format : Primary Ballot - Word or Primary Ballot - PDF
Voting is open from today (12/8/2019) and will close on Wednesday the 21st of August at 9PM. Members can send their vote via email (find attached ballot download link) to the address or in person in our offices in 230 Main Street between 9 and 12 AM and 6 and 9 PM on all working days.