Together Gibraltar

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Mistreatment of the Environment Continues in the New “Green Gibraltar”.

Since the 2019 election in which the GSLP presented its “Green Gibraltar” manifesto, there has been absolutely no progress on the environmental front in Gibraltar. Pumping of raw sewage continues, the old diesel power station has still not been decommissioned, archaic bunkering methods continue, traffic problems show no sign of improving, and progress on renewables is non-existent. To top it all off, Government has now approved the removal of rare and valuable trees across Gibraltar.

Government’s sanctioning of the Reserve on the site of the old Casino has led to the removal of 22 trees, 12 of which were listed as protected species, including the rare Narrow-leafed Ash.  The destruction of this habitat is further compounded by the fact that it punctuates one of Gibraltar’s few remaining green corridors, between the Botanical Gardens and the Upper Rock Nature Reserve. The removal and destruction of trees that have been growing for decades will result in the release of carbon as they decay, and it will take decades for any new trees planted to make up for this loss and the loss to the surrounding ecosystem as a result. The excuse that more trees will be planted to replace them is simply political noise. Many newly planted token trees often disappear from little if any follow up, after constructions are finished. The net loss in biodiversity by removing protected species will not be mitigated without careful planning in replacing what has been removed.

On Queensway a number of mature trees have been destroyed in the area of the schools and although some trees were uprooted and replanted, others were cut down. There is also talk about the large Eucalyptus trees on Queensway being removed to make way for the projected “Green Lung”. Additionally, a massive water tank in the Nature Reserve has been destroyed that could have been used to water green areas -without the use of energy intensive desalinated water- which would have been much better for the environment. The wanton removal of trees is a concern as they play a crucial role in carbon capture as our planet spirals inexorably towards an irreversible state of global warming. 

 Together Gibraltar would like to see Government apply the same rules to themselves as to the citizens they represent. Will the DPC reject any application in the future that may involve the removal of one or two trees for an individual to improve their dwelling? Is this circumventing of legislation only applicable to Big Money or individuals with the influence to bypass planning that the rest of the general public must adhere to? This shows the Government and their interests to be above the law, one of the many reasons people are losing faith in this administration.

Line Wall Road U-turn

Government’s Line Wall Road misadventure has proven to be a complete disaster. Their complete U-turn, following the public backlash on social media, has exposed new levels of incompetence and a spineless, populist approach to policy-making. Together Gibraltar would like the Government to reveal the cost to the taxpayer of the plans drafted, preliminary works carried out and any other costs incurred. The Party would also like more information regarding Government’s overall strategy with regards the future of Line Wall Road, if it has one at all.

Together Gibraltar would also like to clarify that this shambolic adventure has absolutely nothing to do with the Party’s plan for the part-pedestrianisation of LWR, which included alternative green mobility options such as improved, electric public transportation options and a series of cycle-friendly routes. 

Craig Sacarello, the party’s spokesperson for the environment said: “Our plan would have had a phased implementation, ensuring green alternatives were ready BEFORE, and not AFTER limiting traffic flow. As further proof of the Government’s flaky commitment to the environment, there is no significant roll out of electric vehicle infrastructure across Gibraltar, and incentives for electric and hybrid vehicles are still risible.”

He continued by saying: “Some countries have taken stock since the emergence of the coronavirus and are aiming to get ahead of the curve, marrying economic development with environmental harmony.  At a time when interest rates are so low, we should be investing heavily in green infrastructure upskilling our workforce, creating new jobs which will reap rewards for future generations.”

Together Gibraltar calls for greater urgency to be attached to our environment and quality of life, especially important in these times of additional restrictions and sacrifices.