World Cancer Day
Today is World Cancer Day, a date in which we remember our friends, colleagues and families who have confronted this terrible disease. We would also like to show our appreciation for all the local organisations who do so much to create awareness and raise funds so we may continue to win this battle, one step at a time. Even though we can be optimistic about the progress made in recent years, there is still much more that can be done.
At Together Gibraltar we urge our Government to deliver on their campaign promises and work towards changing the environment that allows this disease to flourish. We have to invest more in prevention, like bringing the testing age for cervical cancer down so that younger women can be treated if necessary.
We ask for up to date cancer statistics to be made public and available for all to see. We also urge the Government of Gibraltar to tackle pollution (a proven cause of cancer) head on, by making our public transport clean, and immediately implementing a green transport plan to help reduce the worrying levels of pollutants in our air. That this has been achieved in other, much larger and densely populated urban areas, shows that we have not yet done this for lack of political will.
There is no time to waste - for our health and for the future of our planet, It is imperative that our Government act NOW.